Friday, March 25, 2011

This Week In Science

This week in science my group did a organisms game to interact with each other in their environment.My group had to put the blue cards on the left side and put the yellow cards on top to show the environments of the animals.So all we did was put were the animals go in their environments.The "OH DEER"worksheet we did was somewhere deep in the forest,there lives a large population of deers.So in order to survive,these deers need food,water and a shelter.Together, these things make up their habitats.

I learned about this whole activity is to know where animals live in their environments in their habitats like for example:A shark lives in water and it's in the catergory which is predator/prey.....

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

The week in Science: Food Chain/Energy Pyramid

This week in science I did a energy pyramid on my animal which is a baby deer.My energy pyramid is where producer,and animals eating each other.I learned about energy pyramid that its a graphical model of energy flow in different levels represent different groups of organism that might compose a food chain.An energy pyramid shows a big triangle with animals inside,sun outside,and numbers 1000,100,10,1 kg....
  • Sun
  • Grass (producer)
  • Deer (herbivore)
  • Wolf (primary carnivore)
  • Lion (top carnivore)

My food chain shows my animals with a sun and grass.

Friday, March 4, 2011

My Fantasy Habitat

   This week I've learned from my fantasy habitat was that animals live in different countries and that eat in different times.I did was to make a chart of Abiotic and Biotic about a living thing and a non-living.I learn from this activity was to tell about our animal that we like.My animal was a baby deer because I like baby deers and when I be at my grandma house on the weekends which is in Pennsylvania I be seeing the baby deer and mama around the back of my grandma house.So it lives in a forest with a lot of trees and grass,it eats grass/plants and basically all the nature things outside.The abiotic of my animal is soil and water.The biotic of my animal is pine-trees...

  • white-tailed deers spend their summers grazing in the meadows and move into the forest during winter for protection.
  • The white-tailed deer lives in wooded areas.